Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This ones dedicated to YOU, Sarah!

Google Gang Stalker tactics and behavior. These types of innuendos are the primary means by which these vile evil psychopaths roll! THANK YOU SARAH, YOU JUST GAVE UP A FEW PERPS WHO KILLED YOU GRANDFATHER AFTER DESTROYING BOTH OUR LIVES! PAYBACKS A BITCH! ME! This is the last post I will make in defense of my character against the defaming post made by Sarah Jean Matheny! I was a party to a court case in 1989 when Ardelle Matheny reneged her molestation allegation(s) against her father and brother (My ex-husband separated from since 1997 divorced in 99) as an adult before a Judicial District 6 Officer of the Court. She (Ardelle Matheny) has since married her 1st cousin and I have no knowledge of her married name. It could be Matheny! LMAO! She was previously married to a Rothstein and divorced. As far as the second defamed statement, I became aware of Sarah having been the victim of Ron, when SARAH finally told her therapist at the Brainerd State Hospital. Sarah was 15 yrs. old at the time. Again this is documented in Mental Health files and court records I HAVE ACCESS TO AS I, UNLIKE SARAH, NEVER RELINQUISHED MY PARENTAL RIGHTS AND IN FACT FOUGHT IN LITIGATION IN 1998 IN A RAMSEY COUNTY COURT TO RETAIN SAID RIGHTS, AND WON! Now for all I know, Sarah is piss poor and living on the streets without an asset to her name... HOWEVER, CONCERNING SUABILITY FOR THIS DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, THE TWO LYING PROVIDERS OF THIS INFORMATION (OF THE DEFAMATORY COMMENTS) JESSICA MATHENY BAILEY AND ARDELLE MATHENY (ROTHSTEIN) MATHENY(?) ARE BY LAW CONSIDERED SUABLE (HAVING ASSETTS). I have retained for my records a screen shot of the defamatory comments via FB post. Also in the Brainerd Hospital's file, Sarah also named her own sister Jessica along with perp Ron as having molested her as a child! Sarah has been in and out of loony bins all her life and is where she met yet another perp, an authority figure in Eu Claire Wisconsin treatment facility who went on to further victimize Sarah into adulthood! THESE ARE THE FACTS GIRLS, READ EM WEEP WHEN I SUE THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR FEEDING THIS DISINFORMATION TO SARAH MATHENY A VULNERABLE ADULT WHO'D BELIEVE SATAN HIMSELF IF HE THREW HER A COUPLE BUCKS FOR HER METH OR QUITE POSSIBLY NOW HEROIN ADDICTION! SARAH'S VULNERABILITY, MAKES HER EASY PREY TO MANY A PERP, AS HER HISTORY PROVES! I wont defend myself any further against a 30 yr. old lie or the delusions of grandeur of Sarah Matheny who probably now must people please her sister and aunt in order to gain their admiration ! I have been the bridge in fact in the past that reconnected the Matheny family to my children when the lies and deceit estranged. They know the truth and God knows the hearts of us all! AMEN! A few subpoena's of past court and hospital records concerning MY CHILDREN, WILL PUT THIS MONSTER TO BED! Indicative of the deceit that runs deep and dark to cover the evil lil secrets of this incest lovin' family, (THE MATHENY'S), THAT PROOF EXISTS TO CONFIRM! When the shit does hit the fan Facebook, you'll be named as an accessory, since you refused to delete the defamatory comments (post)! The aforementioned post confirms Sarah has covertly obtained information concerning my personal life, inside my home. The aforementioned post confirms the Matheny family's involvement with the Criminal Enterprise that has targeted my father and I for over a decade. This Enterprise is responsible for orchestrating his murder and made several attempts on my life, has been reported to the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation and Chuck Grassley's Judiciary Committee’s Republican Oversight and Investigations staff as a result of the Apathetic and derelict servants of the public in Minnesota. I do intend to notify (FORWARD THIS) others whose assistance I've sought concerning the INVESTIGATION OF THIS MASSIVE RICO, specializing in Gang Stalking and there techniques used to target!



    from: Debra Matheny
    date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 1:05 PM
    subject: Defamation and Targeting on Facebook reported to no avail.

  2. There's a BIG DIFFERENCE in just slappin' down some sloppy lies defaming a good persons character and having THE LEGAL PROOF NECESSARY TO WITHSTAND SCRUITINY IN A COURT OF LAW, BABY BITCH! AND IMMA' MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF YA AS A RESULT!

